Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 14


If you do not love yourself, no one will ever love you. Furthermore, you will never be happy. Every conflict between the mind and the Soul shows negatively on your physical appearance and on your character. As a consequence, you move to worse and worse lifelines. Before searching for qualities in others, improve your own self. Feel how the pendulums force you to reject your uniqueness and compare yourself to the others. You will inevitably fail, comparing yourself to others. You are your own self and so, accept yourself with your flaws. Then you take your right to be a creator of your life.


The more you get trapped by pendulums, the more you will hate yourself and worship others. Lowering your own importance to raise the importance of someone else is excess potential. External importance occur when I believe the standard, set by someone else, is the peak of perfection. Internal importance occurs when I neglect myself to follow others' standards. To love yourself - stop worshiping others and accept yourself. How is preventing you from creating your own standards? Let others follow you.

I am so happy that this year I had been a Creator of my own life and the year had been perfect for me. Of course, I look at the pics of others on Facebook (etc.) and start thinking that I could do more, be more, etc. etc. Let say, only know my brother told me his girlfriend is going to spa, and I thought, oh why other people get to go to spas, but not me?! But the reality is that I am happy as I am because I do the things which I consider to be important in life. I stay with my child, I spend time with my family, I spend time with me. I am going to my friends bday tonight, and I will be spending a nice family New Year Eve in a traditional way. Happy! And thank you , my world, and my layer of world for all the best things I had this year. It has been so cool!

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