What is the secret of charming people? They have removed all negative slides from their heads and have focused only on the positive. Charm is love between the mind and the soul. Charming people are happy people, who love themselves, but are not bighead-ed. They enjoy life and other people sense exactly this love that shines from these people. Those people are rare, but you can be one of them if you start to love yourself, to listen to your Soul and to take action in the physical world towards your goal. In the process, your face and body bought will become more attractive as you will raise your vibrations.
The secret of attractive people is the union mind/soul. Those people do what they love, they love life, they love themselves and because they live according to their Creed, love shines through them. Others detect that and are immediately attracted to such people.
Charm is the energy released from the union mind/soul. By doing energy exercises, you can increase your energy and "donate" some of it to other people, which will make you subconsciously attractive in their eyes. Successful people do have excess of free energy. Of course, self -love releases free energy but not only. The energy exercises are a must as well. Another power technique is this thought, given by Zeland: I am full of free energy. My energy becomes more powerful each day. I am pure energy source. People sense my energy level and feel sympathy towards me." When you do this technique and see it is working, do not forget to affirm to yourself that the technique is working. You need to affirm to stop the mind from doubting.
Cause I got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Cause I got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
I can do it all, open every door
Turn unthinkable to reality
You see I can do it all and more
The words of this song are just so perfect. And the fact that Dima Bilan (the singer) went to Eurovision contest for the second time (he became a runner up a year before and had won the contest with this song the year after) turns the positive notes in my soul and makes me think that I can do it all, open every door! Because I believe in me...
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