Saturday, January 31, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 21

Verdict of a Creator 

Your whole life you have been told how to behave, what to do, who to listen to, what is right, what is wrong, what is moral etc. Now, take your birth RIGHT to create your own rules in the layer of your world. You have the right to declare what is right and wrong for you (even if other people disagree completely) in the case that what you do does NOT harm other people. When you create your own Verdict, you declare yourself free from the oppressive circumstances in your life and from everything and everyone who act as an obstacle towards your goal. Your Verdict gives you the confidence that everything is as it should be, since this is what you declared and the Universe mirrors your attitude and your belief. 

Everyone has an opinion. Some declare an event to be positive when for others - it is negative. It is easy for you to lose your own internal sense
of right and wrong and start following the mass. Now, remember: you, as a child of God, have equal powers as the others to rule the layer of your world and label what is positive and what is negative for you. The Universe is a mirror: it agrees with everyone :) so, it shall agree with you as well. There is one condition, however. When you declare what you want, you MUST have the courage to go after it, in the physical world. Only changes in the metaphysical world are not enough. If you feel scared, or unworthy, or immoral, etc to go after your goal, then you Verdict loses its power; your goal turns into a simple desire. And we know that desires are not implemented, dreams are not fulfilled - only pure intention is accomplished. It is not important whether or not your thoughts are right/wrong - the point is how much you believe what you think and act is correct for you. Your Verdict has a power only in the case the mind and the Soul are united. Thus, use your Verdict to move along the path of your heart.

If this doesn't harm other people, environment, yourself. The idea again is to find your own path and while walking it you will definitely have your own opinion, ideas, etc.

You must have a courage to walk this path, you have chosen. Not only courage, but will. Not to be lazy. One day you will have inspiration and you will be active, another day you need to make effort to get out of bed even for the sake of your dream. Periculum in mora is for you if you have already found out your designation in this world. I only wish I would.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 20

Your own Path 

It is a waste of time to follow a path, if your heart isn't there. There will be no mind/soul union on this path and in turn, you will feel discomfort, apathy, unhappiness etc. On the other hand, when you follow a path, that you love, you feel it. The whole world resonates with you and tries to help you with your goals. Search for a path that makes you happy from the inside. You will definitely find it if you search :)


When you do what you love, the Soul and the mind unite, and everything else just fits into place. However, when the Soul wants, but the mind is scared, you'd better be careful. You might want to become a professional pilot in F1, but you need a lot practice beforehand. Just visualizations, it is not enough. Also, you might want to quit the job you hate, if you do not have money in the moment, better not do this. Slides will help you create the life you want, but the physical reality acts with a lot of delay. Months need to pass before what you slide becomes true. Meanwhile, do you burn the bridges behind you? Do not turn down the opportunities life is presenting to you now, just because you want to wait for better opportunities in the future.

This one is very powerful indeed. Well, all of them are, but this one is something special. Exactly one year ago from today I was given the opportunity by my world (and my soul and mind) to leave the job I hated. And to change my life into absolutely new wonderful thing. The universe opened and started to move towards me at that moment. I was doing this Transurfing challenge in Russian at that moment. Everyday, when I went out through the door of an apartment I used to live in, dreading what that day would bring over to me, I read a day from this challenge and concentrated not on negative feelings, but on what Transurfing has to say. And the events where happening one after another. Most of them I had no control on (from the material point of view). And I was scared, because it is normal to be scared of the uncertainty.

I will one day for sure sit down and describe all the circumstances of that life transformation, all the events, one by one. About perfect timing for all of them. All I can say at the moment, this technique, and Transurfing in itself works for me!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 19

Creed of a Creator 

Always be yourself, never betray your creed or worse - if you do not have creed, you are destroying yourself as a person; as a result, everything in your life is upside down. When the image is upside down, the reflection is upside down as well. You need to direct all your thoughts and action towards one goal - never LIE to yourself and live the life others tell you to. This twists the energetic picture of the world and the equilibrium forces will attack you. You should never be ashamed or afraid to live according to your Creed. Furthermore, you are never alone - your World is taking care of you (if you allow it to).


When you life according to your creed, the mind and the soul unite. If you need to do something the Soul actively detests, then you are betraying yourself and your work will fail. (The famous phrase - the soul prefers to fail in its own life, rather than to succeed in the foreign one) Even if your actions are not what people will call "right", if you live according to your creed, everything will be OK. The creed fixes reality and when the image is clear, the reflection is clear as well. Remember - your world is taking care of you live according to your creed and all your true intentions will be materialized. This is the law!

This is a good one. Sometimes, when I heard something like this before, I was hesitating. Others are more clever, they have better lives, they 'know' the secrets. But well, that is not really true. Most of them seem to still be unhappy, or lacking something they need. So, why should I listen to them, their advices? Just because they uploaded the pic from a cool restaurant on Facebook yesterday evening? Ha-ha. They do not really know what makes me happy, right?

This above is much better to stick too: I have my own Credo. I love my life and I am enjoying (or at least learning to enjoy it).

And I am free...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 18


When someone feels unworthy and hence, tries his best to raise his importance, everything turns upside down; the more you try to raise your importance, the more it decreases. When you stop caring about it, you receive it unconditionally. The feeling of self-importance is (as you may guess) an excess potential. The more you try to raise your importance, the more you will activate the equilibrium forces to send to lines of life, where you have no importance at all. So, when you give up showing and proving your importance, you will receive it. Never ever, however, under no circumstances, try to lower the importance of someone else. In that manner, you avoid problems, the reasons for which, you cannot explain.

When you try to strengthen your position and to show off your qualities, you are actually trying to change the reflection of the Mirror. (But not the image itself) This causes polarization and equilibrium forces. You do not need to show or prove anything - you are worth everything just because you are a child of God like everyone else. To show who you are in reality, you need to cut off all effort in trying to prove yourself. If you do not anything to prove your importance, (and we know all people try to raise their importance), then other people around your instinctively
think that your importance does not need confirmation. Thus, they accept it as an axiom and treat with a lot more respect. This then unites mind and Soul in the idea that you, as a person, are "valued a lot". Then you start feeling deep down your importance, your inferiority complex fades and your vibrations rise

Well, if people do not treat me as important, I ... let them go. If I can, of course (not usually with your relatives you can do it). I tend to be thinking now, that if someone has no interest in me (I mean communication, job offer or similar), why should I have any interest in that person? I am unique, my soul is beautiful and I deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate me. Same, as I appreciate them. If you do not appreciate me, then you are not my door. And I will not be yours for sure. Good-bye.

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 17

Feeling of Guilt 


Feeling of guilt inevitable leads to punishment in the physical reality. The human mind is designed that way - bad deeds are to be punished; good deeds are to be rewarded. If notice even the slightest inclination to feel guilty, get rid of this feeling immediately. Live according to your Creed and in this manner, you will avoid the feeling of guilt. People cannot sentence you if you do not feel guilt beforehand. Release that feeling!


If you cannot release it for now, at least stop justifying your actions. Of course, to do so, you need to be conscious (and not under the
influence of pendulums). You do not own anyone an explanation for the choices in your life. If you, however, feel you want to explain yourself to others, do it only in a necessary situations. Do not turn in into a habit! Also, even if you feel guilty, do not show it. Manipulators only need this to start " torturing" you and stealing your energy. Slowly, the mind and the Soul will get accustomed to the new approach in life in which you live the way you want, without explaining your actions to the others. This will liberate you and you will experience less and less events, where you would feel, you need to justify yourself. This, in turn, will put an end to the problems, which appear as a consequence of vibrating feeling of guilt.

Well, this is a challenging one. I feel guilty sometimes for some really irrelevant things:
That I go to sleep late and wake up late. Mainly, this guilt is because I miss lots of the daylight in the morning. Why don't I like waking up early, I do not know. I am happy though, that there is no real need for me to wake up early, which might chance pretty soon. Will see how it goes then.

And, well, I feel guilty, that I do not do this challenge (78) days in a row. I could be more organised and have more will. But for some reason I do not... Guilty/ or not guilty?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 16


When I see how Transurfing works, it gives me hope that I can 'rule' my world, my reality. And this hope should change into believe that this is possible. But to be able to 'rule' my reality I need to convert this believe into 'knowledge'. I need to know that my world takes care of me, my wishes (intentions) come true etc.

Today was a good example of how my wishes come true. I wanted to go and visit my grandparents because I will be flying away tomorrow. And it is so freezing that my car wouldn't start. I remember I sit in my car and say loudly: But come on! I want to go to my grandparents. And this same moment a driver of the car parked in front of me appears and helps me to start my car by connecting to his one and charging my accumulator. The thing I realised afterwards is that nobody else would be able to help me with less problems, as I would need to move my car (push or something, don't know) to get it attached to anyone's else accumulator.

Start moving towards your goal, and you will see, that this, which seemed once impossible, now becomes part of your reality. Then hope will slowly be replaced by consciousness. And then you will understand those words: I do not want, I do not trust and I do not hope - I intend and I know.

I, drop by drop, squeeze the slave's blood out of myself until I wake one day to find the blood of a real human being--not a slave's--coursing through my veins. As per A. Chekhov

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 15

Looking for Love 

If you were rejected or suffer from unrequited love or you are looking for love, you NEED to start loving yourself first. If you cannot love yourself just yet, do something to improve yourself. Join a fitness club, start learning a new language, take a course in something - it doesn’t matter what. Try changing your look, buy new clothes. When you take care of yourself, you change your focus from looking for love from an outside source, to looking for love from within. Loving yourself is the most dignified goal and it will attract love and abundance to you. You are worth of all the best!


Usually people love themselves only after others start loving them. But the world is a mirror. How can the reflection emit love, if the image doesn’t contain it? A vicious circle forms. How to escape from it? Simple! Start loving yourself. When you take care of yourself, you raise your vibrations, which send you to better lifelines. Love is a boomerang - when you send it to the world, it comes back to you :) So, start vibrating love. It is not as difficult as you think. Just do things you love, think thought of love and love you. The reflection will form only when you create the image. A connection appears: I send love to the world - the world reflects the love and sends it back to me - I receive love from other people - I feel great about it - I start loving myself :)

I love myself and I love my world. My world is sending me the love back. Great.