Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 15

Looking for Love 

If you were rejected or suffer from unrequited love or you are looking for love, you NEED to start loving yourself first. If you cannot love yourself just yet, do something to improve yourself. Join a fitness club, start learning a new language, take a course in something - it doesn’t matter what. Try changing your look, buy new clothes. When you take care of yourself, you change your focus from looking for love from an outside source, to looking for love from within. Loving yourself is the most dignified goal and it will attract love and abundance to you. You are worth of all the best!


Usually people love themselves only after others start loving them. But the world is a mirror. How can the reflection emit love, if the image doesn’t contain it? A vicious circle forms. How to escape from it? Simple! Start loving yourself. When you take care of yourself, you raise your vibrations, which send you to better lifelines. Love is a boomerang - when you send it to the world, it comes back to you :) So, start vibrating love. It is not as difficult as you think. Just do things you love, think thought of love and love you. The reflection will form only when you create the image. A connection appears: I send love to the world - the world reflects the love and sends it back to me - I receive love from other people - I feel great about it - I start loving myself :)

I love myself and I love my world. My world is sending me the love back. Great.

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