Sunday, June 14, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 59

Making a decision


When you are thinking about how to behave in a certain situation, only your Mind is being activated. It analyzes advantages and disadvantages, and creates a certain concept, which is rational and persuading taking into account the other people's opinions. The forefeelings of your Soul are not taken into account though. In this sense the Mind is fast asleep. Let it be asleep, do not disturb it until it 'has made up its Mind'. And as soon as the decision is made, you should wake up and gasp what feelings you have had when a decision was made. Do not listen to anyone, the feeling of Soul comfort (in other words 'a peace of Mind') will guide you to understand what your Soul feels about this decision. 


Every time, when  you need to make any kind of decision, first, listen to the Voice of your Mind and, afterwards, to the feelings of your Soul. As soon as your Mind 'made up its Mind', your Soul will react either positively or negatively. If it is a negative reaction, you will experience a slight (spiritual) discomfort. When the decision was made, you had sensated an evanescent feeling. During that particular moment, your Mind was so busy with analysis, it didn't had time for any feelings. Now you have to remember that first initial feeling. If there was a discomfort pressure in a background of optimistic reasonings of your Mind, then it is a clear 'no' from your Soul. And if your Soul says 'no', but your Mind says 'yes', then you can easily refuse this decision. Your Soul will always know what it wants. There is a simple algorithm to find out if it is a 'no' from your Soul: if you need to persuade and talk yourself into something, then your Soul doesn't want it. If your Soul says 'yes' you do not need to talk yourself into this.

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