Tuesday, November 10, 2015

REAL miracles of Reality Transurfing 1.

Hi everyone,

My name is Angelika and I am a Reality Transurfing Blogger. 

With these series of posts I would like to find and materialize the images of the Transurfing concept in the Dual Reality Mirror. Even if it will be only a leg of an elephant, but still I can say it is real from my point of view. This is my objective, to find any image and post my interpretation of that here. I am doing this only for the sake of own self. 

So, today is the first day of these series and I want to write about a miracle of Transurfing manifestation I have come across, well, today and one more time few days ago. If this happened twice, I need to pay attention to it, right? 

The miracle is called Essena O'Neill )) The girl with an actual name and she is alive (that means she exists in this world). I do not know if many of you knew her even existing until she broke thorough with the accusation of how “Matrix” (the “System”)* controls people energy via social media. Hey, I do not think she had read V. Zeland’s Reality Transurfing books, but she uses all the correct words. Though she had read few other books and she mentions them in the video. She really looks like she has awakened (in terms of how Transurfing interprets the awakening). Even her website is named: LETS BE GAME CHANGERS, come on, how is that, how more close to Reality Transurfing this could be?! And obviously, she had been one of the Pendulum Favourites of the Social Media before. Now she had turned around and started to walk her own Path. I wish I could observe what happens from now (I will try). Will another Pendulum makes her a Favourite, or will she lose it all? Judging from the resonance she is getting on the media right now, the Pendulum had no other choice if only to make her a new Favourite.

If you are unaware what happened and do not want to watch her great inspiring video. I will briefly explain: Essena O'Neill deleted her presence on some well-known social media platforms, where she had huge number of followers, claiming that this is not real life and all of it is fake. And that she was paid to promote some stuff (placement advertising or similar). Because people do not see anything rather that pictures (images), which are usually photo-shopped or otherwise not real life images. And anyone can say anything their brain can come up with to millions of followers, creating stories etc., all of which indeed is not a real life. (in this sentence the real is what you see beside your gadget screen). Lots of people (especially young, are already connected to the social media, and I mean not only literally connected, but with a hook in their brain and they do not even realise this). 

Well done for Essena O'Neill for being so brave to stand up against the system, I wish her all of the best in what she is going to do now, and I really hope she succeeds. As for me, this shows me a great material proof of that Reality Transurfing and all what Mr Vadim Zeland speaks about in his books and his videos is REAL! 

Thanks, Essena, for being my Transurfing Reality Miracle #1!


 *“Matrix” (the “System”) both V.Zeland and E.O'Neill sound similar with the meaning of these concepts.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 78

Guardian Angel


It might be that the times are hard for you right now, and there is no one to support you. Then you can create a Guardian Angel for yourself. If you believe in it, it exists for you, and vice versa, if you do not believe in it, it will not exist. Only awareness of that there is an essence, which cares about you, gives you a necessary balance of an assurance. Never be feel offended or angry with your guardian angel. You have no idea which troubles it saves you from whenever it can. When feeling joyful about your success, do not forget to express gratitude to it and remind it that you love it. It will become more powerful and get all back to you in threefold. 

Is this true, that every person has got his own guardian angel? In any case, this is up to you to decide. You are a creator of your own reality. Till you believe in an Angel, it exists as an energy essence, and if you are sure, it takes care of you, this way it is. Pagan people in ancient times weren’t fools at all by worshiping many gods and idols. You can imagine your angel in any kind of form. On its own it doesn’t look in anyhow. This is you who gives it a form in your imagination. Therefore, imagine it in a way you feel comfortable with. If you feel lonely, you can share your loneliness with an Angel. If you are in sorrow, or happiness, you can share this too. The more sincerely you will love your Angel and be thankful for any small things, the more powerful it will become and more help will be able to provide to you. Fantasies actually do not exists, Any creation of thought may be a reality. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 77



You are as lonely, as you wish to be.Any inanimate object turns into essence and becomes your ally, if you treat it as an animate one. So, you can have a talisman -just choose something, like a toy, and seriously consider it to be animated and helps you. All, what surrounds you: houses, trees, furniture, household appliances, computers will start to help you if you decided this. Do not ask anything from you allies, but treat them as World mirror - be sure, they will take care of you - know this and repeat to yourself from time to time.


As a physical body can give birth to alike ones, the Soul can do this in the same way. When you think of some object as of an animate one, your thoughtform transforms into some kind of essence - a phantom which has a 'virtual soul'. Phantoms are not visible and tangible because they exist only in the metaphysics world. Nevertheless, after their birth they exist objectively and are able, as any of the thoughtforms, to have influence on the material reality. So, if  you wish so, you can animate the objects surrounding you and communicate with them as if any life creatures. Treat them kindly, with love, and care, and they will respond in the same way to you. For instance, if you treat your car as an animate and precious to you object, it will prevent any accidents. And then you through away anything, do not forget to say thank you to it. Do not worry, once you forget this thing, its soul will seize existing.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 76

The comfort zone.

Anyone can choose what he/she wants, but not everyone believes that he is allowed to do it. If you are not confident then trying on an unbelievable success, luxury, wealth, glory, then this means that those things are not within your comfort zone. And anything that is outside your comfort zone can’t be yours. But you can extend your comfort zone. Create a slide of your Dream in your head and constantly keep it in your consciousness. Get back to this created picture over and over again. Enjoy the details, add new features, getting used to your new image(position). You are worth all the best, all can be real and be yours. There are no limits, the boundaries are only in your head.
Positive slides will help to add the unbelievable to your comfort zone. As soon as your Soul stops feeling uncomfortably about that your Dream is available to you, the hesitations will disappear and the belief will transfer into the knowledge. The Soul will achieve the agreement with the Mind, and you will get the determination to possess. It is useless trying to convince the Soul in anything. As it doesn’t accept reasons, it only knows. But you can get it used to something. It has to get used to a new comfort zone. If you do not feel confident and do not know, how your Aim can be reached, do not worry and systematically continue the practice of visualising your slide. When the Aim will be fully within your comfort zone, the external intention will open the doors into the World of your Dream. This tower can only be taken by a long time besiegement.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 75

The Money


The most important thing to do is to keep moving towards your Aim. And then the money will come automatically along, as a concomitant attribute. But for now, as you are not on your Path yet, just remember one rule: do not ever think that you do not have enough money, just think that you have got money, that’s it. Concentrate on the fact: you’ve got money. It doesn’t matter how much money you have got. Important, that you have it. And you will have more and more. When getting money feel happy and joyful and separate with it with no regret. Do not feel greedy, the greedier you feel, the less you will get. Do not save large amounts for no purpose, otherwise you will lose everything. Create a movement. The resources are flowing via a tube, not reservoirs.


A poor person, when by the counter of any shop, counts last coins, considering if he/she has got enough to save, spends money reluctantly and complains about high prices all the time. The thoughts are fixed over just one thing: there is not enough money for anything/everything. And this mental template is becoming reality over and over again. This can’t be any different as a person stands in front of the Mirror. You have to think not that there is not enough money, but that there is money. You could find some spare change in your wallet anytime, couldn’t you?  If you do not have enough to buy something you want now, do not regret or complain, just delay this purchase for now. You know, you will have enough for it soon. This is how you form an appropriate image, which will be reflected in your reality soon.
Also, there is one powerful ritual for attracting money. Pick up all the spare change, which you can find on the floors, etc. Especially, those ones starting to rust and are not needed anymore by anyone else. Preciously put them into any kind of a moneybox and repeat to yourself: ‘You are at home, my dearest coins. I am going to take care of you and you will attract me money. I take care of money and am loved by it, so it comes to me.’ Try and you will be convinced it is working.